God comes through and gives us exactly what we need and when we need it

At least the thief was nice...

What a lesson God taught me!! Take it from me, when God is trying to tell you something, DO NOT ignore Him!!

We had our company Christmas party & gifts were given out randomly. I got some horrible xBox game that I really did not want. I wasn't really sure what I wanted out of the gifts, obviously the bigger & more expensive the better. Didn't really matter what. I was greedy. 

A lady from work won a gift worth over $120.  I offered to trade her my $60 game for her $120 gift. I felt guilty, but I was playing it off. She's a sweetheart, and didn't want her gift anyways, so she switched me. Even as I was offering to trade, I knew I was not going to keep her gift, but was gonna return it for the $ and get something else. I didn't tell her that.

As soon as we left the party, my conscience was eating away at me. But I kept trying to tell myself that it really was OK. The lady accepted. I didn't make her. BUT deep down, I knew it was wrong of me to have taken her gift. 

For the next few weeks, God kept trying to get me to make it right with this lady. I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to give up the $, I wanted it all to myself. Everyday, I felt bad, but I did nothing about it.

Finally, one morning, I walked outside to go to work, and I saw our back fence flung open. Something was wrong. I got a sick feeling in my stomach as I realized someone had been in our yard. The car was still there, and from what I could see, looked fine. It wasn't until we actually went to inspect the car that we realized someone had been in it. Thankfully, they didn't break any windows, or vandalize the car at all. They somehow managed to open it nicely, take things that they wanted, close the door & leave. As I told people about the incident, I kept say how nice the robber was for being "gentle" in his thievery. I said the words "nice thief" so often that day, and every time I said them, something was triggered inside of me. I kept wondering why God would let this happen. Finally, instantly, I knew why.

I got such a sick feeling in my stomach. I was a nice thief. I robbed the lady at work "nicely". I felt such disgust towards myself when I realized what I had truly done. I realized that God had let us be "nicely" robbed to open my eyes. 

That next morning, I took cash to work with me. I wrote the lady a letter, apologizing and explaining what had happened and the realization I had come to. I put the cash in the envelope with the letter and gave it to her.

A few minutes later, this lady came up to my desk. She looked so happy, yet teary. She said "God works in mysterious way." And I just looked at her, so she proceeded to explain. Basically, she had no money. That morning, she had about $0.59 in her bank account to live on for the next week or so with no gas in her car. The money that I gave her came at such a needed moment in her life. It was all I could do to keep from crying.

I took this as a very hard, expensive lesson for myself. 1st of all, do NOT, ever take advantage of anyone!! I knew what I was doing was wrong, yet I did it anyway cause of my greed. Do not be greedy!!

But it also worked out to be a blessing for this lady. Because of what happened with me, she got the money she needed at the exact moment that she needed it.

God really does work in mysterious ways.

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God Will Provide

My family and I are learning to trust God and not rely on ourselves. It's hard. For some reason, I think that I... (who am a mere human capable of absolutely nothing) can keep my family safer, happier, healthier, richer than GOD. God!! The almighty who says 1 word and things happen.
I'm trying to let go of the "steering wheel" of my life and let God do the driving.. its tough, sometimes I find myself reaching over and trying to steer God in the right direction... lol.. But I'm trying.. and God has proven and shown Himself over and over again in such incredible ways.. I always look forward to the next miracle God will do in our life.. like the one He did today...
Anyway... For now I just wanted to share an event that happened in my life just today. As I was walking out the door to go to work, my husband asked me "Where's your lunch?"... I tried to avoid the question and just smoothly move to a different topic. Again he asked me "Where's your lunch?"... Honestly, I just didn't feel like taking what we had, I figured I could just find a snack at work or just not eat till dinner... I didn't really wanna tell him that though cause he would make me take some food with me.
So I just smiled and said "God will provide"... and went on my merry way to work... not giving my words much thought... it was more to put my caring husband at ease...
Later during the morning, my office manager was being quite rude and ruining my mood. I didn't want to be at work at all... then my good friend texted me and invited me out for coffee... I said "No, thanks, I can't today" (due to the fact that we have no spending money)... but she kept insisting. At this point, my manager was really irritating me, so I told Anna that I would gladly accept her offer for a coffee date.....
She came and got me and we went to a small little cafe and had an amazing lunch and some entertaining chitchat... She ended up picking up the tab on my lunch....
God had provided!!!
I was so amazed! Even though that morning when I said the words without giving them much meaning, God sure did show Himself... AGAIN!!!

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The point of this blog...

My life was fine.

Just regular. 

Living like any other typical person in America. 



A dead-end job.

A mortgage. 

No extra spending money.

Living Paycheck to Paycheck. 

Making shopping lists for weeks, and then when the paycheck does come, there's hardly enough money to pay for the bills, let alone go shopping for all the items listed. 

But God did not leave us. 

Somehow, in one way or another, He always came through and provided for our needs. 

The point of this blog is for me to keep a detailed diary for myself and my family about how God has provided for us. That way when times are tough and we just don't think we can make it, we can look back and remember that God comes through and gives us exactly what we need. 

I didn't say want. I said NEED. There's a huge difference... as we are learning daily.... so... check here often, I'm sure I will have lots to share with you about God's goodness and help.... I look forward to documenting  
His miracles and His mercies...

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